Success Of The Fittest: A Swift Survey Of Shifts In Asset Management

This report examines the challenges of uncertainty in the context of the current financial & economic outlook and evaluates how asset management, like all segments of the financial services industry, can embrace a new sense of morality to re-engender consumer and investor trust and confidence. Existing uncertainly is likely to continue for the foreseeable future. The sovereign debt crisis in Europe has expanded into a Euro-zone crisis, which has impacted financial confidence throughout the world. The sovereign debt crisis and the Euro-zone crisis illustrate how cross-border investment can produce major systemic risk for national and international financial systems, financial market participants and end investors. The crisis highlights the competing political and national interests both inside and outside the Euro-zone. Euro-zone politicians are trying to resolve both crises in a way which will minimise systemic risk and consequent disruption to the financial markets. The routes to long-term resolution of the crises are protracted. The financial and economic uncertainty affects the asset management industry as much as any other segment of the financial services sector. The overriding uncertainties are reflected in this report.

This free-to-download report was published as part of the Financial Centres Futures programme in July 2012 (press release):